Meet the “Trueblue Twins” who are now gaining a massive Instagram following

Even though twins are rather common, there will always be those who find it amazing that two different people can be so similar. That also applies to me. But despite their striking resemblance, Megan and Morgan, twins, attracted more attention from onlookers. Their eyes, which resembled crystal clear water when they were four years old, captured the attention of photographers and went viral on the internet.
At the age of four, Megan and Morgan Boyd gained notoriety as the “Trueblue Twins” due to the widespread admiration their mother’s Instagram posts garnered on the internet. While most parents enjoy swooning over pictures of their young children, the distinctive appearance of these twins attracted attention from all around the world. They currently have more than 153,000 Instagram followers.

And it’s not difficult to comprehend why, is it?
June 6, 2011, saw the birth of the girls. Their mother Stephanie is the creative force behind the girls’ moniker. Because of their distinctive blue eyes, she was the one who first gave them the moniker “Trueblue Twins.” It’s the eyes you need to focus on if you want to determine which girl is Megan and which is Morgan.

Megan is the only one with two blue eyes. Morgan’s right eye appears entirely different since it is dark brown rather than blue. At nine years old, the girls look like this.

A lot of twins are accustomed to wearing matching clothes. As you can see, the Trueblues are the same as that. Stephanie claims that she enjoys shopping for clothes for her daughters and making sure their wardrobes are fashionable. She places a high value on her twin girls’ appearance and well-being.

The girls’ uncommon eye colour has captivated and astounded a lot of admirers. Some people mistakenly believe that adults of African American descent with blue eyes are wearing coloured contacts; nevertheless, some individuals may have blue eyes naturally due to a rare gene. Stephanie, the mother of the Trueblue Twins, claims not to wear coloured contacts despite having blue eyes by birth.

Stephanie appears grounded even though her daughters are becoming actual social media stars. Although she is aware that Megan and Morgan’s inherent beauty may lead to lucrative modelling careers, she doesn’t want to force her children into pursuing a career path they may not find fulfilling. That seems very sensible! Take a look at these adorable 11-year-olds today—are they not stunning?

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