Lawsuit Brewing: R. Kelly Sues Brooklyn Prison For Being “Violated”…Details

R. Kelly is in MDC Brooklyn Pr!s’on apparently goin’ off, after he says he was v!o’lated by the pr!s’on’s head hon’chos and/or rules. Just days after the “Step In The Name Of Love” crooner was sentenced to 30 years in pr!s’on for $e’x cr!’me char’ges, among other char’ges…he is now pretty much telling the pr!s’on they better get tuh steppin’ in the name of cutting him a check for the way he’s being treated. Okay, not exactly in those words, but check out the details of his lawsuit below…

Kelly just filed a lawsuit against MDC Brooklyn because he says he’s being severely mistreated by being placed on su!c’ide watch, even though he is adamant he’s not su!c!d’al. According to the court docs, Kelly says he is being subjected to “cr’u’el and unusual pun’ish’ment” as a result of the su!c!’de watch the pr!s’on has him under, due to the fact that he’s a celebrity.


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