15 Little ‘Flaws’ The Woman You Love And Call Perfect Should Have

I detest perfection with all of my heart—not because I’m envious of it, but rather because it’s just one more of the many fantastical animals that we are indoctrinated to believe in as children. Nothing is perfect. It is nonexistent; it never was and it never will be.

In this cosmos, nothing is flawless, certainly not humans. Arguably, we are the most imperfect of all. We see defects as drawbacks while searching for a spouse, a life partner. We see all the “bad” characteristics as something we should strive to avoid.

However, there isn’t much we can do about imperfections if we realize that perfection is unachievable. Naturally, not every fault is the same. You should search for the following qualities in your “ideal” woman:

1. She is very invested in you.
She keeps you in mind the entire day and considers your happiness when making judgments. She loves nothing more in the world than to see you smile, thus she wants you to be happy.

2. She is too slow in getting ready.
It’s 8:47 and you’re still sitting on the couch watching her choose outfit after outfit when you were meant to meet at 8.

She can never be on time for anything, which drives you crazy, but when she’s done, she looks fantastic.

3. She’s got a way of bringing out your weaknesses.
You acknowledge your flaws. She’s aware of your flaws, surely. But you and everyone else do not particularly want to have to confront the fact and perhaps even make a change to it.

You love her, though, and you know it’s for the best.

4. She takes actions entirely at random, only for you.
She astonishes you with road excursions, picnics, and other experiences. She is impulsive and a little bit out of control. She never lets you have enough time to get bored, so you never get bored. She induces shame so you don’t put in as much effort.
5. She takes far too long choosing the ideal present for each occasion.
She never fails to find the ideal present for you. There’s no way you could compete!

Moreover, she isn’t actually searching for you to. She only asks that you show her the same level of concern by taking the time and making the effort to give her what you have. She doesn’t care what kind of gift you get her; what matters is that you care about her enough to look for what you think would be ideal.

6. In contrast to you, she looks well and takes care of herself.
Always work out. Eat healthily at all times. She never fails to look stunning in the form-fitting dress that accentuates her curves.

7. She’s normally correct.
As though she were some kind of psychic, every darn time. She usually knows better than you do, so there’s really no use in disputing, which is unfortunate because you enjoy debating so much. Hey, at least you have her on your side.

8. It enrages you that she can simultaneously be in need of you and not.
She seems to be able to take care of herself more than you do at times, while at other times it seems like her world would collapse without you. You never would have imagined that one individual could be completely independent of you and yet able to rely on you. You both adore and detest it at the same time.

9. She makes you put forth a lot of effort to better yourself.
She challenges you to reach your personal, professional, and relational goals. No matter how much you protest, she won’t accept how lethargic you are. You better get off your ass and live the life you’ve always wanted because she expects you to be the man of her dreams.

She knows you’ve always wanted to be the person you are, and while she loves and wants you, she would rather you be that person. I’m glad to be the necessary encouragement.

10. She never hesitates to express her opinions.
You can’t help but smile and laugh at the things she says, but half the time you’re scared that she’s going to say something to someone that will make your life harder.

She expresses her ideas to people without holding back. Even though she might be a bit of a brat, she’s your loudmouth.

11. She wants to be in your arms or holding your hand all the time.
Even though it’s summer and 95 degrees outside, she won’t let go of you. Yes, it’s adorable, but not so much when our hands get greasy and sweaty.

That being said, you adore every moment she spends cuddling up close to you as the seasons change. That’s some of your fondest times together, of course, but you’d never tell her and you’d certainly never tell your friends.
12. She always drags you along with her when she steps outside of her comfort zone.

She is constantly experimenting, eating new foods, visiting strange countries where nobody speaks English, and sometimes she even asks you what you would never think to do and then makes it her mission to force you to do it.

The majority of the time, she drives you crazy, but your life is actually far more exciting as a result.

13. She anticipates that you will love her above all other women.
Nothing will make her settle for anything less than first. She desires for you to be hers, all of you. Future, Present, and Past. She never intends to share you; she wants you all to herself.

14. It seems as though you could lose her at any moment.
You think your relationship is safe most of the time. But then, just when you think you’re getting too cozy, you’re reminded of how amazing she is and how many other men would do anything to spend time with her.

She doesn’t point it out to you; she’s too cool like that. things’s 100 times worse when she leaves you to figure things out on your own.

15. She anticipates having you live out the rest of your days with her.
She desires to spend every night curled up next to you and to wake up beside you every morning. Whenever she is ill, when she is depressed, or when life becomes too much for her to bear, she wants you to be there for her.

She looks to you to be there for her when she can’t look after herself, to put your life in danger for her if need be. She desires you entirely.

She desires to not only participate in your future but also to fully embody it. What’s most hilarious is that she doesn’t think any of this is unreasonable to ask for. But then, she would give you the exact same treatment. hence I suppose she’s got a point.

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