What Is Your Deepest Fear: Discover With This Visual Personality Test

We all may harbor some of the most profound, unspoken worries. An individual’s unconscious dread, which they might not even be aware of themselves, can be revealed through this visual personality test. What frightens you the most?
A natural reaction to imminent danger is fear. However, because we may have unresolved emotions in our unconscious minds, our brain may begin to associate odd symbols with potential danger.
What did you first notice?

Try not to overthink it! Review your outcomes below.

Results: 1. Little Girl If You Noticed First

If the little girl was the first figure you noticed in this image, your concerns stem from suppressed feelings you had as a youngster. There are various events that might leave a lasting impression on a child. If they are not adequately developed, they may manifest as phobias, addictions, thought habits, and improper desires as adults. Your emotional growth depends greatly on your bond with your mother. It’s possible that everything is projected unintentionally through worries if the child had to spend too much time away from the maternal figure or if the mother showed little to no affection during early childhood. The child may grow to fear taking responsibility or making decisions as a result. The trauma need not have occurred in childhood; it could have happened as early as infancy or even during the perinatal period, such as during pregnancy or delivery. 2 butterflies

2, butterfly

One of the symbols that is typically associated with a good meaning is the butterfly. However, this sign has a darker, more subconscious connotation that lies beneath the surface.The butterfly is a symbol of beginnings and transition, according to dream interpretation. A colorful butterfly represents new beginnings and positive hope, while a colorless butterfly symbolizes missed opportunities that could have been beneficial to us. This symbol represents a transporter of souls to the hereafter in a spiritual sense. The butterfly is led there, to the realm of the dead. If the butterfly was the first thing you noticed in this image, then your unconscious anxieties stem from a fear of dying or, on the flip side, a fear of not living and missing opportunities. You could also fight the need to feel grieving over dear ones who are no longer in your life.

Strawberry 3.

The strawberry, which represents the heart, is ideally positioned in the middle of the picture and is much larger than the genuine fruit. Since ancient times, the strawberry has been used as a symbol of love. Well, a picture of the fruit of love’s suffering would be a better metaphor. According to a mythology, Goddess Venus was so overcome with grief at Adonis’ passing that every tear that fell to the earth gave rise to strawberries.

If the first figure you saw was a strawberry, then your heart has what you’re looking for. Your deepest dread is a result of your irrational opposition to love. When it comes to something as wonderful as love, fear and emotional resistance are typically the result of how our parents communicated their sentiments to us as children. It might, however, have resulted from a cruel breakup in one of your earliest relationships. The strawberry’s inflated size shows how much love you have to give. It claims that you are holding back so much love from yourself because you fear being punished if you share it.

Spider 4.

One of the most widespread concerns that individuals have is of spiders. It’s an evolutionary survival strategy that increased our sensitivity to potential threats that might be close at hand. However, the symbolism of a spider stems from a more profound underlying anxiety that our environment is unsafe.


Your incapacity to feel entirely safe in a situation is the source of your unconscious anxieties, if you were the first to notice the spider figure in this image. Even in the safest environments, you constantly scrutinize the small details in an effort to spot anything untoward or hazardous. You typically overthink every plan because of this persistent perspective for danger, which keeps you from fully submitting to joyful and beautiful experiences. You can have problems with anxiety and panic attacks. This irrational dread of not being safe frequently results from an overactive amygdala combined with uneasy behavior. You might have grown up around overanxious people, or you might have acquired this attitude on your own.

5. Trees

A potent psychological emblem is the tree. The position in which a person draws a tree on a piece of paper is one of the greatest psychoanalytical tests for assessing a person’s personality. The tree, which represents our roots, has a deeper connotation in this context. Two trees coming together to construct a bridge probably represents an internal struggle that we haven’t yet been able to resolve. An emotional rift that we are unable to mend. Your greatest concerns stem from accepting this unconscious emotional separation if one of the first things you saw on this image was the two trees. You’re hesitant to claim a particular aspect of yourself as your own. You create your identity around this shadow self while fighting the need to ingest it.

Most of us are fairly familiar with our biggest apprehensions and anxieties. But it doesn’t have the same impact as when someone else tells you about them. Because of this, it would be ideal to seek advice from a third party who has no bias or preconceived notions and can help us see things from a different perspective. Being able to face your shadow self can be powerful.

Teddy Bears, no. 6

Hugging a teddy bear is the one consolation that every child can always find. Every child’s haven, a location of acceptance, security, and even warmth. A teddy bear represents a buddy who is unfailingly understanding and a safe haven that is brimming with warmth and affection. Children’s natural reaction is to hug their teddy bears when they are afraid. The teddy bears in this image are distorted, though, and the fact that you saw them first reveals an intriguing detail. You are terrified of your own fear.

This fear stems from an unconscious trauma that most likely occurred when you were a child and involved an experience with fear for which you had no means of solace.

A skull, 7.

If you noticed the skull first, you are someone who struggles immensely with decision-making, especially when faced with significant, weighty choices. You might not always have faith in yourself to act morally because of problems with self-esteem. Your low self-esteem may be caused by the fact that you never received praise or recognition from your parents or other loved ones for your accomplishments and were always made to feel inadequate. You may be viewing the skull first for a different reason. You are subconsciously terrified of dying and the idea that your life will end one day. Although you may not admit it, occasionally your mental and emotional health might be severely impaired by your fear of dying.

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