7 Heartbreaking Signs You Lost A Good Woman

The men and women of today are a disaster. Their masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, their priorities aren’t in the right order, and their capacity to be a loving partner is considerably lacking. A good woman is difficult to find and simple to lose. I’m going to highlight a few indicators that you lost a good woman in this essay.

I can tell you this: if you lost a good woman, you need to deal with the problems that caused your relationship to end.

I constantly urge men to improve themselves, but they choose to ignore me because they are unwilling to put in the effort necessary to do so.

Increasing your knowledge of women and relationships is the answer, not chasing after your ex.

When assessing a lady, you need to zoom out from her physical attractiveness and focus on her personality and behavior as a partner. For a stunning woman, us males are eager to sell out to ourselves.

There are many lovely women around.

There are always plenty of attractive ladies available because everyone uses social media apps to seek approval.

Most women now put more effort into looking nice than ever before because the bar for beauty has been raised so high.

But beauty is never sufficient.

Only guys who lack access to attractive women are unable to see past appearance.

Since I’ve been on the globe for a decade, I’ve gained enough knowledge and experience to know that some of the most attractive women may also be among the most unstable, gold-digging, dishonest, backstabbing, dull, and uncaring persons to ever walk the earth.

They have access to a lot of acceptance and comfort as a result of their attractiveness, therefore they can afford to be that way.

Because of this, you must be very picky about the people you let into your life. In order to avoid disappointment, drama, and disaster in your love life, you must first comprehend what it means to have a good woman in your life.

Based on all of my knowledge, analysis, and discussions with couples from all over the world, the following list of indicators that you lost a good woman is provided.
Why Women Make Good Partners
1. She was devoted.
If you truly think about it, the one thing a man really needs from a woman is exclusivity if he wants to support, safeguard, and honor her in his life.

The only things that matter are devotion and having exclusive access to her.

That isn’t as frequent as you may imagine because more women than ever before have access to guys.

It is unquestionably vital to find someone who appreciates you enough to stick by you and stay away from other men who are interested in her.
To further their own narrow interests, they will talk and act in any way necessary. This is a fact. It has often been witnessed to occur.

Men who lack integrity don’t care whether they are doing the right or incorrect thing. Despite having the most egotistical, immoral, and vengeful motives, they will present an impression of respect and generosity.

When a woman is in a committed relationship, it is her duty to not entertain or let other men into her world.

To safeguard her connection with you and to respect you as her man, she must refuse the free attention and resources.

If a woman behaved in this way around you, you should keep her. It’s the most obvious indication that you lost a good woman because of this.
2. She was protective
The term “nurture” is frequently used but is rarely used in context.

Some people assume that it implies to be mothered, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The behaviors and characteristics that a nurturing woman demonstrates help you to be the kind of man you are.

She is nurturing if she speaks well of you, encourages your goals, provides a refuge from the harsh realities of life, and treats you with respect.

Cooking for you is only the cherry on top.

Her lovely feminine nature nurtures a man who needs to tap into his masculine energy, which frequently manifests as drive, aggressiveness, force, and other such traits.

Finding that has been more and more challenging as more and more modern women lean more toward their masculine energy.

I’m sorry to tell that you lost a good woman if she was able to retain her gentle, nurturing, and feminine side.

She was considerate of others’ boundaries.
Do you know what stifles a man’s masculinity in a committed relationship?

It’s not when a woman assumes some of his traditional manly responsibilities in a partnership. Not even when she grumbles. It happens when she disregards and transgresses your male values and boundaries with no regard for the possibility of losing you.

I am aware that many men talk a great game, but in reality, they won’t walk away from a woman who behaves in this way.

At one point in my life, I was that kind of guy.

By giving someone such contemptuous control over you without defending yourself or leaving them, you can never succeed in life.
Although it is your duty to set boundaries, doing so is useless if the woman you are speaking to is not the right kind.

On the other hand, a good lady respects your boundaries and appreciates your contribution to the relationship.

Why is respect essential?

Because if someone doesn’t respect you, they will never truly love you.

And occasionally, women may treat you disrespectfully to test whether you respect yourself enough to defend yourself.

However, it helps if the lady you’re with already respects your boundaries and your morals.

This kind of woman is simple to take seriously since she respects you.

4. She was truthful.
If individuals were more honest with one another, so many relationships could be beautiful and so many divorces could be avoided.

You might resolve problems more quickly and go to bed at night knowing that your partner is honest with you.

A competent liar may fool you into thinking that they are straightforward and truthful, which is one of their greatest strengths.

Lies are never going to make for a good partnership. The relationship’s basis will erode as the truth eventually comes out.

One of the telltale symptoms that you lost a good woman is if she was always really honest with you.

5. She treated your family with respect.
In-laws are a frequent source of contention in marriages.

If you are married to someone who is rude to your family, you will never be able to live in peace.

Do not misunderstand; rudeness is not only expressed verbally.

A lack of consideration, a negative attitude, a lack of effort, a breach of limits, and coldness are all examples of disrespect.

You lost a good woman who, especially if your family members are tough to get along with, treated them with respect, love, care, and concern.
6. She was a source of calm Your relationship and life must have been crazy unless you were with a good woman.

There are some ladies who find steadiness and simplicity to be completely repulsive. There are certain ladies who experience problems that manifest as toxicity, disagreeableness, flakiness, and contentious behavior in a relationship.

When you find a good woman after going through that, she will give you comfort and calm.

That’s not to say she won’t be interesting or that you won’t occasionally argue and disagree.

But rather of causing conflict in your relationship, she will find pleasure and joy in having fun with you.
The worst kind are those who put you in risk.

7. She inspired you to follow your life’s purpose.
One of the most common indications that you lost a good woman may be this.

The happiest couples and some of the best partnerships you can find generally have supporting and motivating interactions with one another.

Men without a purpose in life are doomed to mediocrity and misery. That’s just how I happen to feel about it.

Conquest-seeking is a privilege of men.

A man flourishes when he finds a lady who supports his goals and objectives and inspires him to strive for perfection by providing encouragement.


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