Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Snatches Off Wig Mid-Sermon, “My Message Was More Important To Me Than Maintaining My Appearance” [Video]

Woman Evolve founder, author, and motivational speaker Sarah Jakes Roberts revealed in a social media post on Sunday that she took off her wig mid-sermon, inspiring other women to follow suit.

The pastor posted a video of the moment she felt her wig slipping and decided to take it off with a lengthy caption explaining what happened.

“Today I was preaching and I could feel my wig slipping,” she captioned the post. “My message was more important to me than maintaining my appearance so I took it off, locked in, and kept preaching.”

What surprised her the most was that other women began taking their wigs off.

“What moved me the most was seeing how many women joined me in getting courageously vulnerable, real, and free,” he continued. “Literally, wigs coming off everywhere. I can’t even imagine what God is going to do in September when we gather for Woman Evolve.”

She acknowledged that the video would probably make its rounds, but full glam or not, she is still chosen to spread God’s message.

“The message will be up soon and I’m sure the video will circulate a bit but the wigs, beat face, clothes, and shoes are just another way of showing that you can love Jesus and still be fly,” Jakes Roberts wrote, “but if I didn’t have any of it and still was chosen to preach the gospel, I would. And I did. And I am. As long as you get the message and God gets the glory, my job is done.”

The pastor’s followers took to the comments with more words of encouragement. “We love you SARAH!!!!!!” one commenter wrote. “You are a real one and we appreciate your authenticity!!!”

“I mean, if wigs weren’t snatched, then did you even really preach??” wrote another follower. “The message was 1000000% on time and fire for me in my life. Thank you for letting him use you my good sis.”

Others called Jakes Roberts brave and authentic, with one woman commenting that the move brought her to tears. Many others left heart, flame, and clapping emojis.

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