Corinne Foxx Contemplated Changing Her Last Name Because She Didn’t Want To Ride Her Dad’s Coattails

Even though she is known as the daughter of Jamie Foxx, Corinne Foxx is making her own name for herself as both an actress and producer. In an interview on YouTube’s Togethxr channel, Foxx revealed she considered changing her last name because she didn’t want people to perceive her as riding her famed father’s coattails.

“I did consider, honestly, changing my last name. I had a lot of people telling me, ‘You don’t have to go to college. You can just go straight into the entertainment world, doors will open for you. You could be making millions of dollars,’ Foxx said, ”I just grew up my whole life and I didn’t want to just ride on my dad’s coattails. I wanted to, you know, make my own name, do things myself.”

However, Foxx revealed that eventually that worrying about what others think of her is not something that she prioritizes, but makes peace with.

“As I’ve gotten older I’ve, one, made peace with people are gonna think things about me that I have no control of, and two, I’m proud of my dad and I’m proud of who he is and I’m proud of the work he’s done. I’m proud of just the person that he is,” Corinne said, “Holding onto his name and being proud of my last name is actually something I’ve had to grow into.

Watch Foxx’s interview on the Togethxr channel below.

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