Valerie Bertinelli, who is known for her part in the iconic sitcom “One Day at a Time,” is in mourning over the passing of television icon Norman Lear, who passed away at the age of 101. On December 5, Lear, who was most known for his revolutionary work on television sitcoms such as “All in the Family,” passed away surrounded by his loved ones.

An emotional post on Instagram was made by Bertinelli, in which she conveyed her profound sorrow over the demise of King Lear. The message included a touching selfie with the late legend. She added, “He meant the world to me đŸ’”,” which perfectly encapsulated the tremendous connection that she had with King Lear of England.

Having contributed to more than one hundred different shows and receiving prestigious honours such as the Kennedy Centre Honours and the Golden Globe Carol Burnett Award, Lear had a colossal impact on the landscape of television.

An outpouring of condolences from other celebrities filled social media after the news of Lear’s passing, highlighting the significant impact he had on the entertainment industry. Not only does the death of Lear represent the loss of a guide for Bertinelli, but it also represents the departure of a close friend. Her heartfelt homage serves as a sad reminder of the enduring legacy that King Lear has left behind, as well as the profound impression that he has left on the lives of countless individuals within the entertainment industry.




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