Two people arrive and approached the counter of a little coffee shop

Two people entered the small coffee shop and walked up to the counter.

“Please, five coffees. Two hanging and two for us.

After paying and grabbing their two coffees, they departed.

The waiter answered my question. “What’s the deal with hanging coffee cups?”

“Hold on, you’ll see.”

A few more persons entered.

After paying for their coffees, the two girls departed.

Three women filled the following order: “three for them and four hanging coffees.” It was for seven coffees.

After they depart, I’m still left wondering: what does the dangling coffee mean?

Then, a man who appears to be homeless and is clothed shabbily approaches the counter and asks earnestly,

“Is there a coffee hanging there?”

“Yes, sir, we do.”

They give him a cup of coffee. My response was received.

Coffee is paid for in advance, and those who cannot afford a hot beverage will receive one.

Naples is where this custom originated.

It is astounding how far it has spread to all the cities and towns in the world.

In addition to “hanging coffees,” you can also order a sandwich or a low-cost supper.

If we could all begin doing this in the towns and cities where we reside, wouldn’t it be fantastic?

Little deeds of compassion like these have a huge, unimaginable impact on a lot of lives.

Perhaps we should all give it a shot.

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