We have heartbreaking news to share I love old School music fam. Actress Marion Ramsey, has passed away suddenly, at the age of 73. Marion is good known for her position as “Officer Laverne Hooks, the squeaky voiced timid police officer from the classic Police Academy films.
Her agency verified that she di’ed in her Los Angeles, CA house on Thursday, 7 January 2020. Variety also reported the following details. Roger Paul of Roger Paul Inc. the agency that organized Ramsey, verified the news to variety.

Ramsey had newly fallen ill, but her same reason of de’ath is currently undetermined. Though Marion’s death is incredibly awful and heartbreaking, we’re always thankful for the several laughs she brought to millions throughout the years.
Recall how ramsey used to have us rollin’ on the ground laughing every time she would talk, or rather, whisper. And when Captain Harris would get fed up with her voice, it was cheerful. It wasn’t until Officer Hooks ultimately belted out Don’t walk dirt bag!
in one of the Police Academy installments, that we truly got to see her real aggression ground. Now that we took that trip back down 1980’s memory lane, let’s take a glance at what Marion Ramsey is glancing like these days.
We’d newly reported how well Marion Ramsey was doing in current years, which is no different reminder that none of us know what tomorrow will bring, so let’s all do our decent to cherish each day and every one of our loved ones.
In current years, Marion Ramsey had greatly walked away from the glitz and attention of Hollywood, but a while back she disclosed that there was going to be a Police Academy in the labors, though there was no additional info gave on that project.