We want the Travolta family to know that we are thinking about them and sending our condolences during this difficult time. The life of the

Taraji P. Henson and Tyler Perry Just Gave the Most Helpful Piece of Advice About Life to Whole Strangers on Twitter Throughout the course of

Fans call Monaco Mai a “perfect blend” of Jeezy and Jeanne Mai. Monaco Mai Jenkins is the perfect mix of parents. Fans see Jeannie Mai

After 58 Years Together, Chubby Checker and Beauty Queen are the Grandparents of Seven Children. The music of Chubby Checker won the hearts of many,

In Dubai were the actress Nia Long and the television host Terrence J. Having a Good Time The actress Nia Long has made it quite

A health update was provided by Al B. Sure!, who stated, “I’m alive, awake, and on the mend.” Albert Joseph Brown IV, the son of

Famous couples of African descent who have defied the odds by maintaining a marriage for more than twenty years. The majority of celebrity pairings don’t

On March 14, 2023, the legendary British actor Michael Caine celebrated his 90th birthday. Throughout his illustrious career, Caine has become one of the most

Will Smith, one of Hollywood’s most versatile and beloved actors, recently took to social media to celebrate Jamie Foxx, another multi-talented performer, for his impressive

Following Nkosikho Mbele’s deed of charity, Shell made a donation to a local charity in the amount of R500,000. Hloniphizwe Mtolo, the chairman of Shell,