A personal finance specialist who runs the YouTube channel Financial Audit, Caleb Hammer shared the story of Teryca Brooks-Long in a new video. It’s revealed Brooks-Long tirelessly works four
The weight-loss influencer has had a daughter with her stepson, Vladimir Vova Shavyrin, whom she raised from the age of 7. Marina Balmasheva was previously married to Vladimir’s father, Alexey
To celebrate her 40th birthday in May 2022, Stephanie Hanson enjoyed a ten-day trip to Kefalonia with two friends. She had a wonderful time away from the
“Black Alien” Anthony Loffredo doesn’t look like your typical neighbor. He has a deep passion for body modification and began a decade-long journey to turn
“Disabled parenthood” is quite a sensitive topic and heavily stigmatized in society, but Alex Dacy has opted to open up conversations about it as well as share
Pete Davidson has sadly announced the death of his beloved dog, who passed away at just two years old. The 29-year-old comedian took to social
The travel and lifestyle influencer is advocating for the Federal Aviation Authority to take action to safeguard the rights of plus-sized passengers. The goal for Jaelynn Chaney is for airlines
Victoria’s Secret has been slowly taking an approach that changes its choice of models after severe criticism. This brought them to finally open their door
Even though most people have previously been exposed to art strips in newspapers, comics themselves have evolved far beyond stand-alone joke format and now span a range
As always, Salma Hayek captivated her fans with her youthful look and mentioned in the caption of her newest post that she’s renewed by salt