The views Nikola Tesla expressed in an interview with journalist John Smith in 1899 were so revolutionary that its contents were kept secret and covered

A plane soared over the clear skies on its route to Sydney, Australia, on a bright, beautiful morning. One passenger in particular stood out from

1.You’re incredibly attractive. You don’t just look good, you look absolutely fantastic, and I can’t take my eyes off of you. That sneaky swear word

According to Jeff Bezos, future generations will give birth in space while residing on space colonies. He claimed on Wednesday that establishing space colonies was

Since Area 51 has been cloaked in secrecy for many years, it makes fitting that the alleged alien secrets kept there would receive a revamp

How come men develop beards? Men feel more confidence when they have beards, according to a survey conducted for the beard care business Honest Amish.

People who are married tend to be happier and healthier than single people, according to decades of studies. Researchers continue to disagree about the cause

There is no need for that type of negativity here, or anywhere else for that matter, so I made sure to emphasize that this wasn’t

I recently read a terrific post. The article’s title was “No, It’s Not Your Opinion, You’re Just Wrong.” When you receive travel advise from someone

The world is filled with toxic, unfavorable individuals, which I wish weren’t the case. They can also be utterly depleting. Consider your cynical buddy on