The tranquil suburban community where we resided had begun to be blanketed in snow, and it was the beginning of their winter season. Ben, who is twelve years old, had just expressed his desire to purchase meaningful presents for the family over the Christmas season.
He had been talking about this matter. We had always been careful with our expenditures, and Ben was well aware that money was not something that came easily to him. Because of this, Ben saw the potential to earn some additional money as a fantastic opportunity when Mr. Dickinson, our affluent neighbor who is notoriously frugal, offered to pay him $10 per day to shovel his driveway.
It was well known that Mr. Dickinson had a firm grasp on his finances, in addition to his spectacular mansion and expansive lawn. Ben was enthusiastic about the possibility of taking on the responsibility of earning money, particularly due to the fact that he had the opportunity to surprise us with gifts.
“I’m going to work for Mr. Dickinson, Mom! Here I am!” We were sitting at the kitchen table one evening when Ben made the announcement. “He told me that he would pay me ten dollars a day to shovel his driveway while it was snowing.”
“That is just fantastic, Ben!” Although I was attempting to sound encouraging, I said. “Just make sure that you check to see if the arrangement is understandable. The last thing you want is for there to be any confusion.
A nod was given by Ben, who was brimming with enthusiasm and youthful self-assurance. “Don’t be an anxious mother. You may count on me to ensure that everything is just.
Ben wrapped himself in a blanket and trudged next door with his spade in his hand the following same day. Good morning, Mr. Dickinson, he said as he knocked on Mr. Dickinson’s door and extended his greetings. In accordance with what we discussed, I am there to shovel your driveway.
After greeting him with a short nod and a wave, Mr. Dickinson, a man in his late 60s who had a keen manner, walked off to the driveway. “You made a good point, Ben. It is time to get to work. “I’ll be in the house,” he responded, without even bothering to offer him a glass of water or notice the effort that Ben was putting into the task. He never even acknowledged the fact that Ben was making an effort.
Ben had a low level of difficulty throughout the first day of shoveling. With his small hands and feet, he worked diligently in the freezing weather to clear the snow in a swift and efficient manner. As soon as the driveway was free of debris, he stepped back and admired his accomplishments. When he knocked on Mr. Dickinson’s door, his neighbor did not immediately open it, despite the fact that he anticipated being paid that evening.
Finally, Mr. Dickinson emerged from what seemed like an eternity of waiting. After taking a quick look at the driveway that had been cleared, he gave a satisfied nod. It was a good job, Ben. However, you should be aware that we never truly made a discussion on the amount of your payment.
This left Ben bewildered. “However, Mr. Dickinson, you mentioned 10 dollars per day!”
In response, Mr. Dickinson arched his eyebrow. The answer is yes, I did. Regarding the significance of contracts, however, I believe that it would be a beneficial experience for you to gain an understanding of their significance. Are you sure you didn’t make a note of anything?
The truth of the situation started to dawn on Ben, and his eyes widened in response. As a result of his faith in the agreement that they had reached, he had placed his trust in Mr. Dickinson. At this point, however, it appeared as though Mr. Dickinson was attempting to avoid going back on his commitment. Ben’s face slumped, and I could feel the pain in his eyes when he returned home that evening. My eyes were filled with tears. He was utterly heartbroken.
It’s me, Mom, Mr. Dickinson… Ben’s voice was tinged with perplexity and sadness as he stated, “He told me that I didn’t have a contract, so he’s not going to pay me.”
Immediately, my heart sunk for my boy. It was something that I had instilled in him to always keep his obligations and to anticipate the same from others. I was not going to let Mr. Dickinson get away with betraying that trust because he had broken it.
Ben, no need to be concerned. “We’ll take care of this,” I murmured, all the while attempting to conceal the rage that was growing up in my chest.
I showed up at Mr. Dickinson’s residence the following day and knocked on his door with a lot of force. His customary icy gaze met mine as he opened it, and I looked at him.
I started off by saying, “Hello, Mr. Dickinson.” Hello, my name is Ben’s mother, and I wanted to have a conversation with you about the deal you made with him regarding the snow shoveling.
There was no change in Mr. Dickinson’s facial expression. “Ah, well, absolutely. Ben accomplished an excellent job, but there was no formal contract between us, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to pay him right now.
A tiny sigh came out of my mouth as I attempted to maintain my calm. “I am aware that you are attempting to impart some wisdom upon my son, but I must inform you that you have already agreed to something. In addition, you ought to respect it. If there is an intention on both sides to follow through, a handshake is just as valid as a formal contract.
His sneer was derisive. Is that a handshake? That’s not how business is conducted in any way. It was your son’s responsibility to know better.
I was overcome with a sense of determination. Mr. Dickinson, you are quite correct. However, what you are teaching him is not the significance of contracts; rather, it is the significance of taking advantage of someone who has placed their faith in you by your actions. You are demonstrating to him that his word is not taken seriously by what you are doing.
After my statements, he remained silent for a brief period of time, evidently taken aback by them.
The fact that Ben came to you in good faith has been twisted into a lesson in how to take advantage of a child by you. My voice remained firm as I continued, “If you are not going to pay him, then we will file a complaint with the neighborhood association.”
When I looked at Mr. Dickinson, I noticed that his face was red, and for the first time, I noticed a fracture in his normally arrogant and authoritative veneer. He briefly glanced in my direction, then turned his attention to the driveway, and ultimately mumbled something under his breath.
He responded with a harsh tone, “I’ll pay him.” However, the next time we meet, I anticipate a written agreement.
As I turned to leave, I responded, “The next time, Mr. Dickinson, you will deliver on your promises without the need for one.”
The door was knocked on the very following day, and Ben was there to answer it. With an envelope in his hand, Mr. Dickinson was standing there. “Ben, here is what you have. Your payment at the agreed upon rate.”
Ben grabbed the envelope and looked at me with his eyes both wide and attentive. The phrase “Mom, I got the money!”
I greeted him with a smile and a hug. “I assured you that we would attend to it,” she said.
Ben’s expression brightened, and the disappointment that he had been feeling for the past few days suddenly subsided. One of the most essential things that he had learned was the significance of holding individuals responsible for their commitments, but he had also gained a crucial lesson in sticking up for himself.
And with regard to Mr. Dickinson, I would like to believe that he had the realization that the lessons he learned about contracts were not nearly as valuable as the lessons he gained about character and integrity. When it comes to lessons, there are times when the most valuable ones are those that teach accountability.