Linda Inherits Grandma’s Old Clocks & Greedy Brother Gets House, Turns Out She Got Almost $200K – Story of the Day

When his younger sister only receives five rusty old clocks from their late grandma, the avaricious brother makes fun of her after inheriting a house. They had no idea what was concealed within those watches. “Oh, so your grandmother called you too? I assumed that, being a nice little bookworm, you would be occupied in the library.

The 26-year-old Brian mocked his 19-year-old younger sister Linda. She’d just gotten out of the cab. Her heart told her that nothing bad would happen to her grandmother, yet fear clouded her gaze. She will be alright. She has another 100 years to live.Brian and Linda arrived to pay their 90-year-old grandmother Marlene a visit. She’d asked to see her immediately.
Brian smiled and coughed his way into the room. “Oh my god…Dust allergies affect me! Did you not dust and sweep your room, Grandma? As he drew nearer, he noticed his granny was thin and ill. The least concerned of them, though, just stood there, waiting to find out why she had phoned.Marlene held Linda’s trembling hands and looked into Brian’s eyes.

The girl was hurt to see her grandmother so pale and without the once-beautiful sparkle in her eyes. They appeared to be dead. Grinning, Marlene stood up slowly and removed two envelopes from beneath her pillow. She said, “Sweethearts, this is for you.” Please make good use of it. To present it to you, I called. When Brian and Linda opened the envelopes, they discovered a $5,000 wad inside each. Linda sobbed uncontrollably and fled the room. In the interim,

Brian scowled. Just this much? I had assumed you had more to provide. Okay, I must go at this time. Without even saying thank you, he turned away from Marlene and left. Marlene was in for a surprise the following day.“Grandma, good morning!” Marlene heard Linda talking in her sleep. She didn’t think she would come back.

The girl pulled back the curtains, waking her with rays of light flooding the dusty, gloomy chamber. It astonished her to see Linda. She had assumed the girl had moved on to her studies and part-time job as a librarian in the city. Carrying the envelope that Marlene had given her the day before, Linda approached her.

“I added the four thousand dollars I’d saved this year. Do you recall telling me about your visual problems, Grandma? I currently have nine thousand dollars. Your eye surgery can now be paid for by us. Marlene got out of bed. Her cheeks streaked with tears, she gave Linda a hug. “Darling, I knew you better! But the procedure is too late. I can feel my demise drawing near. This money may be better utilized, and I don’t want to waste it.

Wiping away Marlene’s tears, Linda announced that she would move in with her. “I’ve been off for a month. Grandma, I won’t go until I see that radiant smile on your face. And Linda was aware of what needed to be done to make Marlene smile again.Marlene found significant assistance in Linda’s presence. She was not responsible for preparing meals for herself. On certain days, Marlene didn’t feel like cooking herself a lovely supper, so she would just eat stale bread for dinner. However, as Linda arrived, she was able to stand up again.

Marlene had never felt happier or more at ease. She went outdoors to investigate when she heard sounds outside her bedroom one day. It surprised her. Linda had renovated the house and fixed the leak with the $9,000 she had spent. “I had known for a long time that you planned to fix up grandpa’s beloved home.

Grandma, are you pleased now? I made renovations so you could see the lovely home you and your grandfather used to share. Are you fond of it? Marlene couldn’t say anything. She hurried to give Linda a hug, moving as quickly as her weak legs would allow. That day, Marlene sobbed on Linda’s shoulders in a way she had never done before. Marlene wished a lot.

“When I’m at my happiest on earth, I want to die!” Her wish came true a week later. Linda was left with more than just a broken heart when Marlene passed away peacefully. Linda and Brian were called to the attorney’s office a few days following the funeral to discuss the late Marlene’s will, which they were unaware of. They were informed of another surprise when they arrived.

inheritance.”Mr. White, you will inherit your grandmother’s home as per her will. These are the documents. Kindly sign these. Linda looked surprised. She fretted since she had refurbished the house and Brian had gotten it when he least deserved it, but she wasn’t jealous of her elder brother. “And Miss Linda, this is yours,” the attorney stated, advancing a box in Linda’s direction. She opened the box and shouted, “What is this?” Within, she discovered five antique clocks. Brian started laughing and making fun of her.

“That is extremely inexpensive and crazy! Grandma gave me the house. Whoever deserved the best, she knew. You may use these rusted clocks to decorate your rental abode and cry over it, sis. Not everyone is lucky! Linda took the clocks with her as she fled for the city, distraught. Until one day, when she saw an etching on one of them, she never cared to thoroughly inspect them. The words “OPEN IT!” were carved in a lovely cursive font onto the metal. Linda opened the clock out of curiosity, and what she saw within would alter her course in life.”A note?” she asked, reaching inside the clock to retrieve a small scroll. After unfolding it, she sat back in disbelief.

Never undervalue these ancient, rusty watches! These are vintage watches that my grandfather owned for a century. Additionally, they are made of excellent, rare metal! “My dear, each piece is worth $40,000!” the note opened with. As Linda continued to read, happy tears welled up in her eyes.

“Linda, everyone gets what they really deserve! I’m happy you received the best. From Granny Marlene, with love. Linda sobbed as she hugged the old-fashioned clocks to her chest. She could hear them ticking near her heartbeat; they were still functional. Her grandmother seemed to be still there.

Linda made the decision not to tell her brother about this. “He believes he received the best from grandma and is greedy.” Let him remain under that presumption. Granny kept the rare timepieces stashed in her drawer, thinking, “I don’t need to prove it to him; I know who deserves the best.”

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