The nursery trick is to tuck a rose stem into an aloe vera leaf. This is what you should do, and in no time at all, you will have a ton of roses.
The Rosaceae family of plants includes the rose. It can grow into a little branch but is typically an erect shrub with up to 250 different kinds. Today, we’re going to learn the nurserymen’s trade secret, which explains why they put a rose stem inside an aloe vera leaf.
Although caring for rose plants is not always simple, they make a lovely addition to the yard. You can plant it this way if you’d like to avoid purchasing a new rose plant. In fact, it suffices to have a plant already and grow another one from seed or to take a cutting from a rose plant owner.
Reproducing a cutting is hence the initial step. But before learning how to execute it, you must first determine the right time frame because this is crucial to the operation’s success. The ideal time to do this is in August, but you may also do it in or around July or September. Let’s now examine the process.

An aloe vera leaf and a rose stem
A rose plant can be reproduced by taking a clipping from the plant and placing it in rich soil. But now, we’re going to examine the trick used by nurserymen to hasten this procedure by first inserting a rose cut into an aloe vera leaf. We’ll go through all the stages in detail right here.
You must first obtain a cutting and select the appropriate branch from which to obtain it. The branch should have a minimum diameter of 5 mm and be strong and healthy. Check to see if it is flawless, entirely green, and contains knots from which the leaves shoot. It must be a fresh branch that was only grown last year.
Once the branch has been located, you can cut it around 20 centimeters short to get the rose cutting. The branch should be chopped perpendicularly, 1 cm below the leaf node. It’s time to use the aloe vera leaf, and you’ll need one that is between four and five centimeters long.
Make sure the aloe vera is dense enough to hold the cutting before attempting to place the rose stem into the moist area. All that’s left to do is place the rose in a pot with some dirt. All you need to do is fill the container halfway with dirt and expanded clay for the bottom.
A hole must then be made for the rose stem to be inserted once it has been placed within the aloe vera leaf. Add soil and water, then cover. The first few times, you must do it with a little water at least twice daily. It shouldn’t be too dry or too wet in the soil.
The stem will develop into a lovely rose bush with a little time and patience. Get a bigger pot or relocate the plant to your garden if the pot gets too small. Keep in mind that it is a plant and should not be grown in shade.