A woman who raised her grandson after his parents died finds herself bankrupt after paying for his education. One day, she unexpectedly finds a huge sum in her account.
Dorothy Perkins suffered the second brutal loss of her life within the space of six months when she was 49. First, her husband passed away, a victim of cancer. Six months later, her son and his wife were killed in a head-on collision while on their way to pick up their four-year-old from kindergarten.
Dorothy was left with no one but little Jimmy. He was all she had.

It wasn’t easy. Dorothy had to ´reset’ from grandmother to mother. She could no longer indulge Jimmy like a doting granny, she had to reinvent herself as an educator.
She was now responsible for Jimmy. She immediately started putting money away for Jimmy’s education. Her sole focus was now her little grandson.
She immediately started looking for the best school, and it turned out to be a very expensive private one. Nevertheless, Dorothy was determined that was where Jimmy was going.
Even when faced with unbearable loss, family gives us a reason for living.
Jimmy was a bright, loving little boy. He was young, and even though he missed his parents terribly, he adapted and life went on. No matter what our losses are, we have to face the future and that is what Dorothy did.
Jimmy was growing up so fast! Soon he was ten, twelve, fifteen… But one thing didn’t change and that was his devotion to Granma Dolly, as he called Dorothy.
Jimmy grew into a fine boy — a brilliant student and a gifted athlete — and was on his way to becoming a good man his parents would have been proud of.
Then Jimmy finished high school and college loomed. Granma Dolly looked through the literature provided by the universities Jimmy had applied to and blanched. Even with a scholarship, it would cost a fortune!
But Jimmy had been accepted to Yale on a partial athletics scholarship, and Dorothy was determined he would go. She refused to allow Jimmy to contract student loans that would dog him for the rest of his life, so she drew on her pension fund, and on her savings, and borrowed money from the bank.