In order to provide couples who are interested in enhancing their intimacy with vital advice, Vanessa Marin, a seasoned sexual therapist from California who has over 20 years of experience, has taken to social media. She emphasized the significance of kindness, communication, and empathy in the bedroom by highlighting four crucial behaviors that should be avoided through her platform, which is @vanessandxander.
Vanessa explained, drawing from her own relationship with her husband, Xander, that it has taken her and Xander many years to figure out what it means to have a relationship that is supportive, compassionate, and accountable. It is important to keep in mind that you are a team, and that you have the ability to collaborate in order to establish a relationship that is also more compassionate and supportive.

It is important to note the following four key takeaways from Vanessa’s advice:
Vanessa is of the opinion that the responsibility of initiating intimacy should never be made by a single individual. In the context of her relationship, she makes certain that her husband is not always expected to take the initiative simply due to the fact that he is “the man.”
Studies have shown that men enjoy it when their partner takes the initiative to initiate sexual activity, while many women wish they could take the lead more frequently. However, they are frequently unable to achieve their goals due to societal, cultural, and biological factors. It is possible that breaking this pattern will result in a more positive dynamic.
2. Refrain from putting pressure on your partner.
Vanessa recommends that you do not exert any pressure on a partner if they are not in the mood for more intimate interactions. It is detrimental to both the relationship and the individual’s well-being to make someone feel guilty for not wanting to have sexual relations at a time when their libidos are naturally fluctuating.
It is possible to cultivate a connection that is more loving and supportive by taking the time to respect boundaries and making room for the natural desire to return.
Always remember that the fear of hurting a partner’s feelings should never prevent you from having open communication about your sexual preferences. Relationships are encouraged to have patient and respectful conversations about boundaries and expectations, as Vanessa encourages.
“Take things easy,” she recommends. “Do not anticipate a change that is transformative to occur overnight.” This is supported by research, which demonstrates that couples who are able to communicate openly about their desires report higher levels of sexual satisfaction from their relationship.
When performance issues, such as erectile dysfunction, are met with a negative reaction, it is a significant error. A self-centered response, such as crying, pouting, or accusing a partner of lacking attraction, is something that Vanessa emphasizes as being extremely important to avoid.
Erectile dysfunction is a widespread condition that affects more than half of all men between the ages of 40 and 70. It is possible to cause unnecessary stress by misinterpreting it as a reflection of one’s desirability. Some women’s confidence was affected by their partner’s erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a study conducted by Superdrug. However, sixty percent of the women said that their partner’s ED had no impact on their relationship. It is essential to have empathy and understanding in order to successfully navigate such challenges together.
A Few Closing Remarks
The guidance provided by Vanessa Marin serves as a timely reminder that in order for an intimate relationship to flourish, dedication, communication, and compassion are all necessary components. Couples can cultivate a connection that is more constructive and satisfying by addressing the common mistakes that they make. Her observations provide a helpful road map to a more fulfilling romantic life, whether you are attempting to overcome new obstacles or you are simply looking to intensify your connection with your partner.