Comedian Luenell Campbell, better known by her stage name Luenell, recently made news after introducing a shocking new rule for her comedy events, which is that audience members are not allowed to embrace or kiss any other.
In a recent interview, Luenell, who is most known for her roles in movies like Borat: The Sequel Moviefilm and All About Steve, discussed her decision. She also revealed why she made the decision. The comic claims that the prohibition on physical contact has been imposed because of worries around COVID-19 and its Delta variation.

Luenell stated in her statement that despite the fact that she adores her followers and is grateful for the support they provide, she is not prepared to take any chances that could result in the virus being passed on to other people. She added that she is “not willing to take any chances with [her] life or the lives of others” and that she wants to ensure that everyone is safe and healthy. She also stated that she is “not willing to take any chances with [her] own life.”
A variety of responses have been received from her audience members in response to her decision to prohibit the giving of hugs and kisses during her stand-up comedy performances. Others have voiced their dissatisfaction with the fact that they are unable to demonstrate their appreciation for Luenell in the manner in which they would like to do so and have thanked her for adopting a proactive approach to ensuring the safety of COVID-19.
Luenell is unwavering in her determination, in spite of the contradictory responses. She made it clear that she is acting in the manner that she considers to be essential in order to safeguard not only herself but also her fans and everyone else participating in her shows. In addition to this, she brought to everyone’s attention the fact that the pandemic is still active and that continued vigilance and preventative measures are required.

This judgment by Luenell sheds light on the persistent difficulties that performers and event organizers are encountering as a direct result of the pandemic. Despite the fact that several jurisdictions have removed bans on holding big meetings, there is still a significant amount of worry around COVID-19 and its Delta form. As a direct consequence of this, a great number of performers and venues are implementing additional safety measures to protect everyone involved.
In conclusion, Luenell’s decision to prohibit hugs and kisses during her comedy gigs serves as a timely reminder of the continuing influence that COVID-19 has had on the entertainment business. Her choice may be upsetting to some of her supporters, but it is an essential move that must be made to protect the health and safety of everyone involved. As we continue to make our way through the pandemic, it is imperative that everyone of us do what we can to safeguard not only ourselves but also one another.