As usual, the internet never fails to provide us with all sorts of surprises. In 2025, a viral story had everyone talking. The topic? Toenails. Often overlooked, the correct toenail care is essential for foot health and people are shocked to learn that they may be cutting toenails incorrectly all along.
The Importance of Cutting Your Toenails Properly
Cutting your toenails seems like a mundane task right? BUT neglecting a few proper care techniques could actually lead to a host of issues such as infections, ingrown toenails and discomfort wearing shoes. Therefore, regular, correct maintenance is vital and can literally change your quality of life.
What Are Ingrown Toenails and Why Do They Happen?
Ingrown toenails are painful. They occur when the edges of the nail grow into the surrounding skin which causes inflammation, swelling and often, infection. The assumed go-to was to cut the toenails rounder on the edges, cut their nails too short or even unevenly trim them. This has been proven to be far from correct.
The Viral Video That Set the Record Straight
Creative Learning uploaded a video which demonstrated the correct technique and this in turn caused massive waves online. based on the tutorial, the key to avoiding ingrown toenails is to in fact cut them straight across. The video emphasized that avoiding rounded edges was in fact beneficial along with avoiding cutting them too short. This left viewers almost stunned by how simplistic the correct approach was.
Social media erupted with all sorts of reactions. Specifically, a video posted on “Interesting As F***” on X showcased the very same technique. This prompted users to come out from every crevice, admitting that most have ben doing it wrong most of their lives. One user wrote, “Can confirm the first method causes ingrown toenails, and they huuuurt,” while another shared their new mantra: “Cut toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Don’t cut too short, and file sharp edges. Trim after a shower for softer nails. Simple care, fewer problems.”
Healthline’s Step-by-Step Toenail Clipping Guide
A trusted resource to the online community, Healthline provided a comprehensive guide on the proper care of one’s toenails. The process of course requires the correct tools too, so they went as far as to explain this in their guide:
- Separate Nail Clippers: Use a larger clipper designed specifically for toenails. This prevents the transfer of bacteria or fungi between hands and feet.
- Clean Tools Thoroughly: Sanitize your clippers after each use to maintain hygiene and avoid infections.
- Trim Every 6–8 Weeks: For most people, this interval is sufficient, but active individuals may need to trim their nails more frequently to prevent overgrowth.
How to Cut Toenails the Right Way
Most people actually find themselves doing more harm by not understanding the proper technique they should be following to ensure the best results, so its important to additionally make sure you’re following these steps for optimal results:
- Cut After a Shower: Wet nails are softer and easier to trim.
- Use Two Cuts for Each Nail: Begin with a small cut slightly off to the side to create a straight edge, then follow through with the second cut to finish the nail.
- Keep It Straight: Always cut straight across to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Avoid rounding the edges, even if it seems tidier.
- Avoid Cutting Too Short: Leave a small amount of nail above the skin to reduce the risk of irritation or injury.
The Finishing Touch: Filing and Maintenance
Most people actually find themselves doing more harm by not understanding the proper technique they should be following to ensure the best results, so its important to additionally make sure you’re following these steps for optimal results:
- Cut After a Shower: Wet nails are softer and easier to trim.
- Use Two Cuts for Each Nail: Begin with a small cut slightly off to the side to create a straight edge, then follow through with the second cut to finish the nail.
- Keep It Straight: Always cut straight across to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Avoid rounding the edges, even if it seems tidier.
- Avoid Cutting Too Short: Leave a small amount of nail above the skin to reduce the risk of irritation or injury.
The Finishing Touch: Filing and Maintenance
Once your nails have been properly trimmed, it’s essential to take care of any jagged edges with a proper nail file. Not only does this ensure a clean finish, but additionally prevents your nails from catching on shoes or socks. When done correctly, you also reduce the risk of splitting or cracking your toenails which may lead to injuries or general discomfort.
Why Proper Technique Matters
Healthy toenails go beyond aesthetics. They contribute to daily comfort and function. By adopting the above techniques, you can avoid all the discomfort and risks of infection, saving yourself from having to approach poediatrists and other specialists. While keeping your feet in tip top condition.
A Small Change With Big Benefits
One can hate the internet for many reasons, but you cannot deny some of the benefits of having access to vital information via social media. By following the simplest guidelines – cutting straight across and avoiding trimming too short, you’re half way there.
Maintaining clean, proper tools aids in avoiding infections and the uneccessary pain. By making these small changes, you’re likely to experience huge improvements to your health. Sometimes, the internet actually serves a major purpose and this is literally walking proof of that.