The End Has Been Declared by Birdman? Toni Braxton was the artist. “Have You All Completed It, Or Have You Done It Already?”

“What goes up, must fall down,” is a proverb that dates back to the old school of thought. Usually, that is a proverb that the vast majority of us do not want to apply to our romantic partnerships and/or marriages…at least not while everything is going swimmingly. It appears that Toni Braxton and her fiance’, Bryan “Birdman” Williams, are in the “must come down” part of their loving union. Well, folks, it looks like their relationship is in this chapter.

In the past twenty-four hours, talk about Toni and Birdman has been spreading like wildfire throughout various social media platforms. Why? Since the activities that they have both made at this point have triggered a diverse set of red lights as well as an abundance of concerns.