Six Characteristics That All Chting Men Share
playing the victim card?
Analyze his demeanor and actions to determine how he responds. When you ask him about something shady and he immediately starts playing the blame game and corners you, it may be a clue that he is cheating on you.
2. Is silent when you are present?
There is no justification for hiding a connection. What is the harm in being seen in public if you are seeing someone? If your Mr. Perfect is so enamored with you that he refuses to acknowledge your relationship in public, it may be because he hangs around with too many women and does not feel comfortable disclosing his relationships. So, observing how he acts with you in public can help you determine whether your spouse truly is yours. You may put your presence to rest if he is prepared to stand by your side and kindly acknowledges it by giving you a hug and holding you tightly.
3. A genuine flirt throughout
Observe his nonverbal cues. Does he seem to be flirting with nearly every woman? Do you notice him developing any closeness with his ex? Do you see him eyeing up the attractive woman in the bar? These warning signals suggest that he will cheat more frequently than he will commit crimes. Being single is preferable to mixing with someone who is prone to falling in love with any woman he meets. In order to determine whether your hot hunk is worth keeping, watch out for the way he flirts with other ladies.

4. Keeps your romance private
Many males who end up having affairs with women are prone to conceal their relationship. This is a fantastic strategy to conceal the truth and it offers them a perfect excuse to date other women. Because they are unaware that he is already engaged, a lot of women date males. Therefore, the indicators do not appear to be very hopeful if you discover that your lover is keeping your relationship very private. To understand why he is keeping things a secret, discuss it.
5. Do not tamper with my phone!
You should always be open with your partner if you are in a committed relationship. Why do people feel the need to conceal the whereabouts of their phones? You entrust someone with your fondest memories when you are dating them. Why wouldn’t you trust them with your phone in such circumstances? Dear females, one telltale clue that he might be more interested in someone else than you is if you find him smiling stealthily while reading texts on his phone and he gets all strange when you try to remove his phone. Prior to breaking your own heart, be aware of these signals and take the lead.
6. Events without you 6.
While there is nothing wrong with going to a party by yourself, if your partner spends the entire evening with his buddies while making no attempt to spend time with you, the likelihood that he is making out with another women at these gatherings is considerable. It’s critical to understand what he’s doing. I don’t want you to become mistakenly involved in a phony relationship, but I also don’t want you to stalk him either. You must therefore understand where to set boundaries and how to exit situations.