A Kind Story That Prove a Little Sympathy Goes a Long Way

I was working at a fast-food restaurant one day when I saw a woman had placed her Louis Vuitton bag on a table. I made the decision to take the bag to the lost and found after observing that she was not returning after waiting for twenty minutes. I put it there without taking a peek inside and returned to my work.

The luggage was still unclaimed a month later. Observing that it remained, my manager remarked nonchalantly, “Hey, it’s been a month.Would you like that bag? After giving it some thought, I responded “yes.” I was curious to see what was inside, so I went to the rear to retrieve it. When I did open it, I was shocked to see that it was empty save for one piece of paper.

The handwritten inscription on the paper, which was a receipt, read, “To the girl who needed a new purse during the holidays.” Upon careful inspection of the receipt, I discovered that the bag had cost $1,700! Whoever the woman was, it appeared that she had planned this random act of generosity all along, leaving this bag for someone who needed it more.


I kept the revelation to myself as I carefully put my items into the suitcase and headed home. That purse evolved into more than simply a stylish accessory; it provided me a confidence boost when I needed it and made me appear more professional during job interviews.


The bag is still with me today. It serves as a priceless remembrance of my less fortunate days. More significantly, it motivates me to return the favor by helping others whenever I can. Not only did the anonymous present from a stranger make my holidays happier, but it also made me realize the enormous influence a tiny act of kindness can have on someone’s life.


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