2 / My Husband Bought First Class Tickets for Himself and His Mom Leaving Me and the Kids in Economy – My Lesson to Him Was Harsh

My conceited spouse reserved first class for him and his mother, but I had to travel in economy with the kids. But I wasn’t going to do nothing but relax. I ensured that there was some turbulence in his “luxury” trip, making his journey an unforgettable experience.Let me introduce you to my spouse, Clark. My name is Sophie.

Do you have a friend who is a workaholic, constantly stressed out, and believes his job is the most important thing in the world? I understand, don’t get me wrong, but hello? Neither is being a mother a spa day. In any case, this time he truly exceeded himself. Are you prepared to do this?Alright, so last month we were meant to be spending the holidays with his family.
What does “about that” mean, exactly?At last, he put his phone away and offered me that gummy smile I had grown to hate. “Well, I was able to have Mom and I upgraded to first class. She travels on lengthy flights, and I really need to get some quiet time to myself. Hold on.

An improvement for the two of them alone? I gazed at him, anticipating the comedic moment. It never showed up. “Now, allow me to clarify this,” I yelled. “You and your mom are seated in first class, but I’m confined to economy with both of my kids,”Clark was so daring as to shrug. This guy’s nerve. Oh no. “Oh, come on. Give up your drama queen ways! Soph, it’s just a few hours away. You’ll be alright.

His mother Nadia showed up, her luxury bags in tow, as if on cue. Oh, Clark! You are there. “Are we prepared for this opulent journey?” She grinned like if she had won a gold at the Olympics, and I swear, I could have melted in her eyes.I had two grumpy kids and a building thirst for vengeance as I watched them go off into the first-class lounge. “Well, it’ll be luxurious alright,” I said, my mind working up a delectable, trivial scheme.

“You just have to wait.” I couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between first class and economy as soon as we boarded the aircraft. Nadia and Clark were enjoying a glass of champagne as I was having trouble fitting our carry-on bag into the overhead bin.”Daddy, I want to sit with you, Mommy!” cried our five-year-old. I feigned a laugh. “No, darling, not this time. Grandma and Daddy are seated in a designated area of the aircraft. “Why aren’t we able to join you there?” “Because Daddy is a unique breed of jerk.” “Mom, what was that?” Nothing, sweetie. Let’s secure your seatbelt.I noticed Clark lounging in his roomy seat and appearing obliging as I helped the youngsters get settled. I realized then that I had his wallet. Yes! Here’s how to do it! I deliberately trailed behind as we were going through the security check earlier.

I carefully put my hand into his carry-on while Clark and Nadia were deep in discussion. I found his wallet quickly, tucked it into my bag, and went back to waiting in line as if nothing had occurred. Astute, huh? Yes, I am aware! Yes, I am aware! Alright, let’s resume where we left off. I observed Clark with a nefarious smile on my face. Things were going to get interesting on this flight.My kids had fallen asleep two hours into the flight, and I was relishing the quiet time. At that moment, I noticed the flight attendant carrying a tray of upscale food as she approached the first-class cabin.

Delicious!I was trapped with airline pretzels and it was like watching a hound slobber over a succulent steak. I watched as Clark indulged in every luxury available, ordering the priciest dishes on the menu and pairing them with the best booze.”Madam, would you like anything from the snack cart?” said a fellow flight attendant. I grinned. “Please, just water.” perhaps some popcorn as well. I feel like I’m going to see a really good show.

Though perplexed, the attendant complied. About thirty minutes later, as was to be expected, I noticed Clark feverishly going through his pockets. His face became pale as he became aware that his wallet was gone.His body language told me everything, even though I couldn’t understand what he was saying. With her hand extended, the flight attendant stood resolutely, anticipating payment. With frenzied gestures, Clark was raising his voice just high enough for me to hear little bits. But I’m positive I did. Why don’t we just… When we land, I’ll pay! I took a seat and began to eat my popcorn. The aircraft

This was far more entertaining than anything else. God, this was amazing!At last, the time I had been anticipating had come. Clark walked down the aisle to economy class looking like a reprimanded schoolboy. And to me! With a desperate plea, “Soph,” he knelt beside my chair. My wallet is missing. Tell me you have some cash, please. I put on my most worried expression.

“Oh no! That’s awful, my love. What is the required amount? He flinched. “I think about $1500,” I almost swallowed my water. “Thirteen hundred thousand dollars? How in the world did you order? “The blue whale?”He snarled, peering uncomfortably back at first class, “Look, it doesn’t matter.” “Is it with you or not?”I pretended to search through my purse. “Let’s examine… I own roughly $200. Would that be beneficial? His desperate expression was so precious. I suppose it’s better than nothing. Regards.

I called out softly, “Hey, doesn’t your mom have her credit card?,” as he turned to leave. She would undoubtedly be glad to assist!When Clark realized he would have to ask his mother to save him, the color left his face. This was more satisfying than any planned retaliation. The remainder of the journey was pleasantly uncomfortable. There was stony stillness as Clark and Nadia sat there, their first-class experience wrecked beyond repair.

In the meantime, I was suddenly happy sitting in my economy seat.Clark returned to economy one last time before we started our fall.”Soph, do you think you saw my wallet? I’ve searched all over. I put on my prettiest expression. “No, sweetie. “Are you certain that you didn’t forget it at home?” His hands were running through his hair, clearly frustrated. “I was positive I had it at the airport. It’s a nightmare right now. “Well, at least you got to enjoy first class, right?” I patted his arm.

His expression on me would have made milk curdle. “Yes, it’s really fun.”I had a faint feeling of satisfaction as he skulked back to his seat. A lesson was discovered! Clark looked as sour as a lemon after the plane. Nadia had smartly retreated into the bathroom, most likely to avoid his expression. She wasn’t to blame. Clark’s attitude was not getting better, and it was one of those timeless “if looks could kill” situations. After checking his pockets ten times, Clark murmured, “I can’t believe I lost my wallet.””Do you really think you left it in first class?” Trying not to lose my composure, I asked. He gave me a fierce look. “I’ve already looked.

Two times.I bit my lip to contain the smile that was on the verge of breaking. This was simply too excellent. “Perhaps it came loose during one of those elaborate dinners they gave you.” Really humorous, Soph. This is not a jest. There must be a method for locating it.Then, with his shoulders sagging, he let out a deep sigh. “My only wish is that it wasn’t picked up and taken by someone.” There are all of our cards there.

“Yes, that would be awful.” I zipped my purse shut, my little secret securely inside, while Clark kept complaining about his missing wallet. I wasn’t going to absolve him just yet.In addition, there was a peculiarly fulfilling feeling to witnessing him wriggle a bit after leaving for first class.We left the airport, and I couldn’t help but become a little excited.

Before giving the wallet back, I would conceal it for a little while longer and use his card to treat myself to something pleasant. Nobody is ever harmed by a little creative justice! So, fellow travelers, keep this in mind: a little creative justice could be the key to a joyful vacation if your partner ever wants to improve themselves and leave you behind. We are all in this together in the flight of life, after all. First class or economy!


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