Finding romantic activities, such as frequent date nights or impromptu day trips, is essential to maintaining the spark in your relationship, regardless of how long you’ve been dating. Though there are countless possibilities, one easy gesture you may try is gently waking your lover up.
“A sweet, special wakeup will set your partner’s day in a loving way when the timing is right,” relationship expert and dating coach Laurel House tells Bustle about eharmony. “Investing a little more time and energy in your partner demonstrates your deeper level of concern.” Furthermore, you’ll remain in their minds for the remainder of the day, consistently bringing a grin to their face.
Naturally, not everyone enjoys the mornings. It’s crucial to understand your partner’s tastes, habits, and character before organizing a big, romantic gesture for the wee hours of the morning, advises House. Some people, for example, wake up in the same mood every day, some prefer to sleep in late on the weekends, while some wake up early and start thinking about their never-ending to-do list. No matter how charming you want to be, your well-thought-out plan can turn your partner off instead, according to House. Because the last thing you want is to start a quarrel, especially before anyone has had coffee, pay attention and pick your times carefully.
Talk about it if you’re new to dating and you’re not sure what your partner would appreciate. House adds, “It’s best to prepare by communicating, even though it may not sound romantic to have a preemptive conversation about how they would like to be woken up.” You’ll feel more assured about how and when to wake up your significant other if you have clarity.
1. Try any of these charming, romantic gestures to help your sweetheart wake up the right way.

It is true that having morning sex straight away can be a lot of fun. However, use some creativity if you want to wake your lover up in a kind or kind manner. House advises working your way up gradually after receiving a foot massage. She advises, “Make it a real spa-quality massage.” “Take your time, apply lavender oils, and don’t plan to make it into a sensual massage unless they express a desire for sex.”
Put on some music and get their bath ready.
Play their favorite upbeat tune and run some bath water to rouse your companion after a demanding workweek. A letter telling them to take a bath should be placed next to the bed. You should also give a list of possible drinks (coffee, tea, orange juice, mimosa, etc.) with boxes next to each one so that your partner can tick them off. Tell your companion that you are here to serve them this morning after you have brought them their preferred beverage.
2.Put on some music and get their bath ready.
Play their favorite upbeat tune and run some bath water to rouse your companion after a demanding workweek. A letter telling them to take a bath should be placed next to the bed. You should also give a list of possible drinks (coffee, tea, orange juice, mimosa, etc.) with boxes next to each one so that your partner can tick them off. Tell your companion that you are here to serve them this morning after you have brought them their preferred beverage.
3. Write a message on their pillow for them.
You may do something as easy as leave your partner a letter if you typically leave early for work. Express your affection for them, let them know you’ll be thinking of them, or offer them some words of wisdom for the coming day. House advises keeping a colorful card with a daily schedule on the bedside table if it’s a weekend. “Consider an exciting plan and elevate the occasion by arranging a little picnic basket to hold the card,” she suggests. “Tell them they’re going to have a good time.”
4. Serve breakfast to them in bed.
Your relationship will gain a great deal from occasionally surprising one other with lovely things. According to professional dating and relationship counselor Rori Sassoon, “a little thought and sincerity will show your partner how much you care, while keeping them on their toes,” she tells Bustle. Go all out and serve them breakfast in bed if you want to make their morning more lovely. Anything they want, including bacon, scrambled eggs, waffles, and pancakes. If bread burns easily, you may always order Postmates to be delivered from their preferred breakfast place.
5.Start a cuddle session
It’s easy, sweet, and powerful to put your arms around your lover and plant a quick kiss on their face or back of their neck. If it’s the weekend, there’s a chance that you’ll spend an additional hour or two cuddling, talking, kissing, or touching in bed; you might even pursue something more. “Doing this occasionally communicates how much you love and cherish your partner, which will have a positive impact on your relationship overall,” certified psychologist and marriage counselor Dr. Wyatt Fisher tells Bustle.
6. Choose an outfit for them and give them a note and a coffee to-go.
Because many romantic wake-ups, such as physical touch or words of encouragement, play off the five love languages, they are often efficient at maintaining the flame. Having an outfit ready for your partner to wear is a great example of an act of service, according to relationship coach Dr. John De Oca. If you want to be flirty, write something like, “I’ll be thinking of you in this outfit all day,” or something sweeter like, “Just wanted to give you one less thing to worry about today.” To relieve them of the burden of preparing meals for themselves, you might even prepare a quick breakfast or a coffee to-go for them. It all comes down to doing something considerate to lighten their day a bit.