In the face of pervasive societal stigma against women and femme-identified individuals who opt not to remove their leg hair, armpit hair, or bikini area, a powerful hair pride movement has emerged and gained momentum in recent years. Amidst the sea of #fitspiration workout snapshots and v smoothie bowl posts flooding Instagram, there has been a noticeable surge in the visibility of content that celebrates body hair.
These posts and reels proudly employ hashtags like #bodyhair, #bodyhairdontcare, and #womenwithbodyhair, offering a supportive platform for embracing and normalizing natural body hair. Notably, both brands and celebrities have united in challenging the enduring stereotypes and prejudices associated with body hair, working together to foster meaningful, long-lasting change. below, 35 women with body hair proudly share why they don’t remove their body hair anymore. Have a look.
#1 “Feeling Free.”

#2 “Rocking Hair Or No Hair Is A Mere Choice.”

#3 “Flowers And Sunshine.”

#4 “Natural Light, Natural Body.”

#5 “I Can’t Wait Until It’s Warm Enough To Wear This Dress Outside.”

#6 You’ll Find It Easier To Feel Comfortable With Your Hair By Making Small Actions Little By Little Every Day…It’s A Journey.”

#7 “Being Hairy Can Be Attractive Too.’’

#8 “Before I Felt Sorry When I Went Out To The Street, Now I Really Feel Pretty Being Hairy.”

#9 “Feeling Very Beautiful With My Armpit Hair.”

#10 “Don’t Be Normal, Be You!”

#11 “I Kept All The Things I Enjoyed About Being A ‘Girly Girl’ (Makeup, High Heels, Manicures) And Ditched The Things I Didn’t (RAZORS!!!)”

#12 “I Don’t Think I Own A Razor.”

#13 “The Hairy Life Is Better.”

#14 “We Have Razor-Free Legs And Armpits, But What About Razor-Free Faces And Chests? Trying To Embrace My Hirsutism.”

#15 ’I Love Being Unshaved. Freedom!’’

#16 Madonna’s Daughter, Lourdes Leon, Has Always Embraced Her Body Hair.

#17 “Razors Can Hit The Road.”

#18 “Dresses Complement My Leg Hair Beautifully.”

#19 Sofia Doesn’t Let A Razor Touch Her Skin.

#20 “Razor Free Since October And Loving It!”

#21 “Razor Free Since 7/2020… So Free.”

#22 Feeling And Looking Good

#23 “Feelin’ Myself.”

#24 “Over One Year Razor-Free!”

#25 “I Can’t Believe I Used To Wax Every Week”

#26 “There Is NOTHING Wrong With Your Natural Body.”

#27 “I Wear My Body Hair With Pride When I’m In Public.”

#28 ’’Natural Just Feels Best.’’

#29 “When I Realized At 20 That I Had Never Seen My Body In Its Natural State, I Was Aghast.”

#30 “I Was Out Shopping Today When A Guy Noticed My Legs And Paid Me A Compliment. It Made My Day.”

#31 “My Beautiful Fluffy Legs”

#32 “My Summer Superpower. I Glow Under The Sun Thanks To This Bright Blond Fur.”

#33 “My Newest Addition To The Family”

#34 ’’Armpit Hair Looks Good.’’

Billie, a prominent brand in the women’s razor industry, has emerged as a trailblazer in promoting body hair acceptance. Their g 2018 advertisement featuring actual body hair broke industry norms and sparked a huge shift. Since then, they have consistently challenged societal expectations and norms, refusing to conform. According to Georgina Gooley, the co-founder of Billie, their purpose is to recognize and celebrate the presence of body hair in all women.