We all at some point in our life had a crush or showed too much interest in someone, and really cared about them but even though we gave everything to make it work, still didn’t get anything back from them, we only got a ticket to friend zone or a heartbreak. Yes we know this is painful and no one whats to be in that spot but sometimes we can’t handle everything properly.
So we at Viral Strange brought for you a collection of photos that shows how terrible is to be friend-zoned and have feelings for someone that doesn’t feel the same towards you.
1. It is time to re-evaluate your life choices, my bro!

2. A fallen soldier, press F for respect!

3. She woke up and chose to be savage!

4. Yes we know how it feels to be a third wheel!

5. That’s a real friend right there!

6. That was a heartless response!

7. Someone plz save poor Anthony!

8. You will never understand why he has done all of that!

9. A best friend appointment, LMAO!

10. Wipe off your tears and start to love yourself first my man!

11. I hope she really appreciates that!

12. You are spoiling the wrong one, my friend!

13. You can’t carry anyone that doesn’t love you on your back!

14. How os even possible to be Mega best friend lol!

15. He won the friend-zone challenge by far!

16. Insane friendzone level!

17. Can you spot the one who is being friend-zoned?

18. Are you a blind girl?

19. I don’t remember seeing a friend giving gifts like these.

20. Maybe he is a feet guy after all!

21. That’s is a gentleman thing for sure, but I hope she understands that!

22. At least she gave him another good option!